Reception hours

Our dedicated reception team is available to assist you with any enquiries, provide recommendations, and ensure that your needs are met throughout your stay. To talk to our team, please dial 9 from your in-room phone.

Reception hours:

Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 5pm

Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays: 9am – 12pm


Please dial '2' from your in-room telephone or phone 0418 182 193 for after-hours help.

In-room telephone:

Each apartment has its own direct phone number. Your apartment's direct phone number is +61 7 5449 57_ _, plus your two-digit apartment number.

For any security or noise related issues between 8pm – 5am please dial reception on '9' and your call will be diverted to onsite management or security.

Use your in-room telephone to contact:

Reception dial '9'
Security dial ‘2'
Message retrieval dial ‘11’
For local calls dial ‘0’, wait for the dial tone and then dial the number you require
Apartment to apartment dial ‘7’ followed by the two-digit apartment number